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Resource Center

5 Tips to help you enjoy your baby right now
“It goes by so fast” is the lament of experienced parents everywhere. Here are our top tips to help you keep perspective when the going gets tough. By Libby Nelson,...
5 Tips to help you enjoy your baby right now
“It goes by so fast” is the lament of experienced parents everywhere. Here are our top tips to help you keep perspective when the going gets tough. By Libby Nelson,...

A Breastfeeding Checklist
Signs of successful breastfeeding: Your baby is feeding at least 8 times every 24 hours. Your baby has at least 6 wet diapers every 24 hours after day 4. Your...
A Breastfeeding Checklist
Signs of successful breastfeeding: Your baby is feeding at least 8 times every 24 hours. Your baby has at least 6 wet diapers every 24 hours after day 4. Your...
A Conversation on innovation, global corporate initiatives in the workplace, and the future of work.
A Conversation with MaryElla Gockel, former head of EY Americas Flexibility Leader™ and EY Workplace of the Future™ on innovation, global corporate initiatives in the workplace, and the future of...
A Conversation on innovation, global corporate initiatives in the workplace, and the future of work.
A Conversation with MaryElla Gockel, former head of EY Americas Flexibility Leader™ and EY Workplace of the Future™ on innovation, global corporate initiatives in the workplace, and the future of...

Back to Work Better: Public-Self Power Up
Image: Mom and daughter in front of a computer by Nenad Stojkovic licensed under Creative Commons. Returning to the workplace is a period of intense adjustment. Here are 5 tips...
Back to Work Better: Public-Self Power Up
Image: Mom and daughter in front of a computer by Nenad Stojkovic licensed under Creative Commons. Returning to the workplace is a period of intense adjustment. Here are 5 tips...

Back to Work Better: You’ve Got This!
Our 5 top tips to help you focus and feel confident and comfortable as you transition back to the workplace.
Back to Work Better: You’ve Got This!
Our 5 top tips to help you focus and feel confident and comfortable as you transition back to the workplace.
Can you help demystify breast pumps?
What are the different types of pumps? As moms ourselves, we know that starting your search for the ideal breast pump can feel a bit overwhelming. So, since you don’t...
Can you help demystify breast pumps?
What are the different types of pumps? As moms ourselves, we know that starting your search for the ideal breast pump can feel a bit overwhelming. So, since you don’t...

Delay the bath to increase breastfeeding success
Newborn babies can be messy little bundles of vernix, fluid and blood. See what a new study says about bathing your baby immediately after birth.
Delay the bath to increase breastfeeding success
Newborn babies can be messy little bundles of vernix, fluid and blood. See what a new study says about bathing your baby immediately after birth.
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Insurance Why would I need a prescription for a pump? Though the Affordable Care Act requires all private health insurance carriers to provide breast pumps to pregnant and nursing...
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Insurance Why would I need a prescription for a pump? Though the Affordable Care Act requires all private health insurance carriers to provide breast pumps to pregnant and nursing...

Good Enough is the New Perfect
Photo by kevin liang on Unsplash Striving for excellence is a part of being human. Here are our top tips if you’re a parent who struggles with perfectionism. by Libby...
Good Enough is the New Perfect
Photo by kevin liang on Unsplash Striving for excellence is a part of being human. Here are our top tips if you’re a parent who struggles with perfectionism. by Libby...
How much do breast pumps cost?
One of the most critical factors in determining your breast pump choice, and the area where you may have the least knowledge and confidence, is likely cost. Fear not! As...
How much do breast pumps cost?
One of the most critical factors in determining your breast pump choice, and the area where you may have the least knowledge and confidence, is likely cost. Fear not! As...
Is Limerick right for me?
Which Limerick pump is best for me? We like to say that if you have a new baby and breasts, Limerick is indeed right for you. With multiple breast pump...
Is Limerick right for me?
Which Limerick pump is best for me? We like to say that if you have a new baby and breasts, Limerick is indeed right for you. With multiple breast pump...

Learn how Limerick helped make air travel easier for new parents
Image source: Kevin Poh At Limerick we’re driven to make life better for new moms. We’re ecstatic that our research and passion helped to get the bipartisan Friendly Airports for...
Learn how Limerick helped make air travel easier for new parents
Image source: Kevin Poh At Limerick we’re driven to make life better for new moms. We’re ecstatic that our research and passion helped to get the bipartisan Friendly Airports for...

Learning to Breastfeed
Positioning and latching well during breastfeeding is important for both mom and baby. A good latch helps prevent sore nipples and allows for better milk flow. When mom and baby...
Learning to Breastfeed
Positioning and latching well during breastfeeding is important for both mom and baby. A good latch helps prevent sore nipples and allows for better milk flow. When mom and baby...
Mechanics of Breast Pumping: More Milk Secretion and Flow
The use of breast pumps with a compression component has shown their higher efficacy compared with vacuum pumps. Limerick takes this a step farther by combining compression and vacuum technology...
Mechanics of Breast Pumping: More Milk Secretion and Flow
The use of breast pumps with a compression component has shown their higher efficacy compared with vacuum pumps. Limerick takes this a step farther by combining compression and vacuum technology...
Pump Manuals
Manuals Joy Electric Breast Pump PJ’s Comfort Electric Breast Pump Love Hand Breast Pump Pride Electric Breast Pump
Pump Manuals
Manuals Joy Electric Breast Pump PJ’s Comfort Electric Breast Pump Love Hand Breast Pump Pride Electric Breast Pump

The Benefits of Skin to Skin Contact
Breastfeeding is more than simply offering food. Breastfeeding offers many health benefits to both mother and baby. These benefits start right away, and last a lifetime. In addition to better...
The Benefits of Skin to Skin Contact
Breastfeeding is more than simply offering food. Breastfeeding offers many health benefits to both mother and baby. These benefits start right away, and last a lifetime. In addition to better...
The top 4 factors that will keep Mom pumping
Experts agree that the top 4 factors that affect a new parent's willingness to pump are comfort, ease-of-use, fast milk extraction and portability. (A mother-centered evaluation of breast pumps) Comfort:...
The top 4 factors that will keep Mom pumping
Experts agree that the top 4 factors that affect a new parent's willingness to pump are comfort, ease-of-use, fast milk extraction and portability. (A mother-centered evaluation of breast pumps) Comfort:...
Using Insurance, Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) & Health Savings Accounts (HSA) for Your Breast Pump
No one ever said that having a new baby isn’t without its fair share of new challenges and costs. Wouldn’t it be great if some of those, like a breast...
Using Insurance, Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) & Health Savings Accounts (HSA) for Your Breast Pump
No one ever said that having a new baby isn’t without its fair share of new challenges and costs. Wouldn’t it be great if some of those, like a breast...
Videos Joy Electric Breast Pump See more Joy pump videos PJ’s Comfort Electric Breast Pump See more PJ’s Comfort pump videos Love Hand Breast Pump Pride Electric Breast Pump See...
Videos Joy Electric Breast Pump See more Joy pump videos PJ’s Comfort Electric Breast Pump See more PJ’s Comfort pump videos Love Hand Breast Pump Pride Electric Breast Pump See...
What is Engorgement?
What is Engorgement? Engorgement refers to a swelling of the breasts. It is a common occurrence in women who have recently given birth. Early in the postpartum period, a mother’s...
What is Engorgement?
What is Engorgement? Engorgement refers to a swelling of the breasts. It is a common occurrence in women who have recently given birth. Early in the postpartum period, a mother’s...
What type of pump is right for me?
Do I need more than one type? Ah, the breast pump. Yours is going to become your new bestie for a while so, before you commit to this new relationship,...
What type of pump is right for me?
Do I need more than one type? Ah, the breast pump. Yours is going to become your new bestie for a while so, before you commit to this new relationship,...
Why Breastfeed?
Breastfeeding is as old as the hills. It is tried and true. It is, hands down, one of Nature’s greatest inventions. But inquiring minds want to know: What exactly makes...
Why Breastfeed?
Breastfeeding is as old as the hills. It is tried and true. It is, hands down, one of Nature’s greatest inventions. But inquiring minds want to know: What exactly makes...
Why do breast pumps cost so much?
Whether your new arrival is still on the way or you’re transitioning to home care, now is the right time to familiarize yourself with some of the details that will...
Why do breast pumps cost so much?
Whether your new arrival is still on the way or you’re transitioning to home care, now is the right time to familiarize yourself with some of the details that will...
Why does Limerick cost more than most?
Whether you’re getting your first exposure to Limerick, or you’re back after looking around and want to dig a bit deeper into our breast pumps and the value they provide,...
Why does Limerick cost more than most?
Whether you’re getting your first exposure to Limerick, or you’re back after looking around and want to dig a bit deeper into our breast pumps and the value they provide,...
Work. Travel. Breastfeeding.
Congratulations. You’ve made the transition back to work as a new mom. Here are a few tips from Limerick to help you and your baby stay on track when work...
Work. Travel. Breastfeeding.
Congratulations. You’ve made the transition back to work as a new mom. Here are a few tips from Limerick to help you and your baby stay on track when work...
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